that was what the ... wanted to represent after eriadu. Because it is an endless cycle between all the new/reworked factions including the DL too.
I just didn't wanted to make it long.
In my opinion I find it funny Zsinj has the most going on yet he is killed off by era 2.
I will Probably do Bacta War and Hunt for Zsinj as Zing's Empire.
I think Eradiu is too imperial for me but I will do Endor aftermath with them
PA I go to stars align then maybe the progressive era gcs.
Maldrood I will do first with Endor aftermath, then maybe Hunt for Zsinj and finish off with reunification.
IR I will do bacta war and maybe Reunfication
Nr Mostly likely not going to play.
And Eoth I will do a couple progressive era Gcs