One book from the birth of Thrawn, his youth and career in CEDF. book could end when he is gonig to intercept Bargain Hunter. Second book about what happened after Outbound Flight, all the way to Mist Encounters. and third concerning his action in the service of Emperor.
Those would be books I would like to read. Made by Timothy Zahn of course.
well if you wanna get technical true mandalorians are descendents of the Taungs, and Chiss are different because of their voices. they can form sounds not able to be replicated by human voice boxes, read outbound flight, when Car'das would try to speak Cheunh. they are just cool species.
the more important question is how long is the Chiss lifespan? they are aliens so it could be longer then humans. becuase during outbound flight there is the Chaf'orm'bintrano. and isnt he the same guy who is a diplomat to the Galactic Alliance?