If, when giving a move command, you hold right-click and drag slightly, an arrow will appear - the ship will orient in the arrow's direction when it reaches the desired location. To have a ship rotate in place (slooooowly), hold right-click and drag on top of the unit, and it should again try to orient in the arrow's direction. Edit: Also, if you first give an attack order, and then issue a movement order, your ship will usually keep shooting at the ship you ordered it to attack while it tries to comply with the movement order, so if you want your SSD focusing fire while also turning to a specific direction, order it to attack the target, then drag a right-click over it to tell it to face the way you want. Won't always work, but it usually does.
Usually movement or attack-move commands work better than direct attack commands. The game is basically analyzing the unit as a group of hardpoints, and every hardpoint want to shoot the target so they tend to end up trying to perma-rotate for a (usually non-existant) position from which everything can attack.
I've found that my ship's captains, even after getting into a perfect firing distance decide to continue to move their ships, which then due to pathfinding issues, causes them to turn around so that none of their guns are facing the enemy, and be destroyed. Anybody have a tip to fix this, is there something I'm not doing?
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