The location of how many units are in a ground unit (like the flame tank- I want to change it to one)
GroundCompaniesEmpire, GroundCompaniesRebel, EotHVehicles, Pentastar_Ground.
How to change the location of stations in maps.
Open the map in the map editor. Move the station.
The location of abilities in the original FOC- like Buzz Droids, Vader's Deploy Squadron, Self-Destruct, and Stealth for ships.
In the unit or company data for whatever had it. Some, like Stealth, require different mesh attributes that can't really be exported properly anymore since the programs don't all work.
how to not make a ship be damaged by asteroids.
<Asteroid_Field_Damage>20</Asteroid_Field_Damage> in GameConstants.xml
What the Designers used to make maps. sure the data for whatever mod you're using is in the base data folder, because that's what the editor reads from.