Ah, cool. Found the submod, but I noticed it didn't mention allowing to play as Hapes Consortium. Will the HC be playable in 2.2? If not, may I ask why?
The HC is currently a very underdeveloped faction. in space, they only have the Battle Dragons and the Nova battle cruisers, and as Hero they have Isolder and as unique unit the Star Home. Almost forgot the Miy'til fighter and bomber. That's something but in ground...
They have absolutely nothing.
To make them playable, the team should considerably expand the space and build up ground from nothing.
This is a whole lot of work. I know, I expanded the DL once. It was a whole lot of work and it didn't contained new models or skins, which of course have to be made.
Maybe if not with 2.2, but later there is a chance that the HC will be playable, because the team is planning to make it playable in Ascendancy later on if I remember correctly.
Hey, they said once that 2.1 is the final version. Maybe if you find some others who want it, and press the matter enough, there will be a playable HC. If not by the normal mod, then someone might create a submod. Unless, you want to do it yourself of course.
Edit: after 2.2 is released, and you want to, we can talk about what do you think, and I might start a submod for that, but that's not going to be easy.