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Topics - Voss Parck

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EaW and FoC Mods / [SOLVED] New faction problem : cant'build anything
« on: July 25, 2017, 12:47:42 PM »

The awesome ICW developped here made me want to be able to mod the game myself.

So, a week ago, I began to read every tutorial I could find and I (relatively) successfully tweaked the game files.

However, I can't seem to make new factions work properly. If anyone has encountered the same problem, I'd be glad to learn the solution.

What I did :

I've introduced a new faction, "NusoEsvaFaction", into Expanded_Factions. It's basically a copy-paste of the Yevethas.

Here is what has changed in the faction description :
Code: [Select]
<Icon_Name> i_icon_nusoesvafaction.tga </Icon_Name>
<Alternate_Icon_Name> i_icon_nusoesvafaction.tga </Alternate_Icon_Name>
<Color> 250, 250, 250, 255 </Color>
<No_Colorization_Color> 250, 250, 250, 255 </No_Colorization_Color>
<Display_Font_Color>  250, 250, 250, 255  </Display_Font_Color>
<Big_Fleet_Color>  250, 250, 250, 255 </Big_Fleet_Color>
<Alternate_Icon_Prefix> NEF_ </Alternate_Icon_Prefix>

<Enemies>Rebel, Pirates, Sarlacc, Hostile, Underworld, Hutts, Pentastar, Hapans, Empire, URThreats</Enemies>
<Primary_Enemy> Underworld </Primary_Enemy>
<Skirmish_Land_Bomber> Y-Wing_Bombing_Run </Skirmish_Land_Bomber>

In addition to that, I've assigned a Warlord ship

Code: [Select]
<SpaceUnit Name="Warlord_NEF">

Then, I've added the Starbases. I just changed affiliation and Prev/Next level references :

Code: [Select]
<StarBase Name="NEF_Star_Base_1">

Finally, I've created a GC where I give the NusoEsvaFaction one planet, one starbase lvl 1 and one warlord ship.

Symptoms :

I can't build anything, as the building options (buttons) do not appear (no new ship even though the Warlord should be buildable, and no starbase lvl 2.)
Moreover, after about half a ingame week, I lose the game (losing credits then stat screen appear)

Same problem when adding other units and when trying land units or buildings.

If anyone has an explanation, I'd be grateful. Thanks !

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