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Ascendancy Discussion / "All-Around" SC (and weapons banks question)
« on: July 31, 2017, 04:05:46 PM »
That is, the supposed "ultimate" strikecraft like the NR's K-wing and IR's TIE Defender. Note that both of these strikecraft are coded as "bombers"; they prioritize targeting ships. 

My question is, do these strikecraft still take down enemy SC during their bombing runs, despite their behavior? I also notice other SC like TIE Bombers have laser weapons as well; I guess these lasers differ from the lasers on a standard TIE (i.e, I can't imagine TIE Bombers shoot down enemy SC en-route)? Just wondering if I should still mix in TIE Interceptors with Defenders for proper SC defense, given the Defender's "bomber" behavior, or if the Defenders do a 2-in-1 job of shooting ships and enemy SC both (but just prioritize movement towards ships).

In the same vein, many ships have 2 banks of the same weapons (e.g, turbolaser, turbolaser, ion). Are they different weapons the same way a TIE Bomber's laser (I'd assume) differs from a TIE's laser?

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