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Messages - Pentastar Enforcer

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Star Wars Discussion / Re: Apeiron Kotor mod canceled
« on: October 21, 2018, 11:19:03 PM »
I've never seen the reasoning of cancelling a large scale mod of any sort as long as it requires the base game(s) its made from. The only thing being that there may be a product they wish to sell coming out, but I don't imagine there will be any game involving content from KOTOR specifically coming out anytime soon..

Star Wars Discussion / Re: Your Most Bullcrap Star Wars Moments
« on: August 20, 2018, 04:07:17 PM »
about 90% of the new canon stuff including TFA, TLJ, Rebels, a lot of TCW stuff, the attitude of some lucasfilm employees, new Battlefront 2, etc. etc. Old star wars canon had some problems, but like... holy shit.

You're able to advance Era in anything as long as it isn't a set scenario from what I know. I.e you can't advance to Era 3 during the Thrawn Campaign. As long as there are Imperial Leaders to kill, Isaard, Thrawn, Palpatine, etc. there are Eras to advance.

As for difficulty, I found the NR hard to start out as, but easier as it goes on. Hunker down on conquered planets and combine into a single fleet that can capture the space above planets. Work slow and steady on certain territories that have few entrances, so that you only have like 2 or 3 ways to get into your undefended systems.

Well I've found where all the big fleets went. I've been fighting fleets of Bellators, Allegiances, and Secutors galore since I reached the northern part of the galaxy, battle over Myrkyr was a pain even with 2 Super ships. Every system has a good fleet over it so its a slow crawl to destroy the maldrood and the alignment. I'm just upset they aren't trying to attack me.

Im starting to think that the Imperial factions have focused all their resources on eachother, the Empire was killed not by me but by the Maldrood, Zsinsj has only 2 planets left and the Pentastar Alignment and Maldrood are both constantly exchanging planets. I'm guessing this is a case of divide and conquer. I only just now reached era 4 while most of my game was in era 1.

While we do want to give Kamino some bonuses to make it the best place to build clones and, when resources allow it, we do want to represent other local forces more (infantry take more time than other things to make, and fewer people know how to do it properly- the first releases of the mod won't be able to have them at all for this reason, we already have tons of assets we need to make), we don't want to make clones exclusively produced on Kamino, the same way we don't make ISDs exclusively produced at Kuat or Mon Cal Cruisers exclusively produced on Mon Calamari. Most planets would produce nothing military at all. When playing against the Republic, the CIS players would be easily able to just focus on taking Kamino, and almost never see any AI-controlled Clone units. Having a faction where their signature type of unit is tied so exclusively to one planet really doesn't work that well for gameplay. It may seem more lore-friendly and interesting at first glance, but the net effect is that you'd just rarely see clones.

Honestly when any source that's specifically meant to be narrative gives numbers, they're kind of meaningless until put into context later, if at all. It's been 40 years and different sources still diverge on whether the Empire had three and a half star destroyers or tens of thousands.

Hahaha, good point

I disagree, you put 120 pop for every faction obviously the AI admiral is gonna struggle since the only tough they would do is make a horde of frigates and spam. Now you're able to meet that spam with powerful ships in number and crush them.

Guess I'll change that next time around, didn't think the AI wouldn't be able to respond as well.

I did always find it odd that the Clones were able to make up the entirety of the Republic army when there were only a few million of them according to the Kaminoans. You would think both sides would be fielding many more local units and forces instead of being capable of fielding armies of nothing but droids and clones. I know the Separatists would have an easier time at it but the Republic army would have to rely on large amounts of local troops and regular soldiers.

As for this in game, I'd have no clue about it, I like the idea in itself, but idk how it'd function in practice or if it would be accurate.

I seem to be winning practically every battle in the biggest GC as the republic, with only 1 battle over Ylesia where it was cutting it close. The Eriadu Authority was a cake walk and the Empire has been getting curb stomped on every side. I just took Corellia, Kampe, Kalist VI and so forth, making my way to a Pentastar Coruscant and Kuat. The Empire only has a handful of systems left, while the PA and the Maldrood seem stagnant: Zsinj's empire fell earlier, holding onto like 3 or 4 isolated systems, no clue as to whats going on there.

Every planet I've attacked, once again save for Ylesia, seems to be desolate, with a max fleet of maybe 3 star destroyers there, usually there isn't anything guarding the planet at all, maybe a couple corvettes? I easily curb stomp whatever is in the way with my fleet of 5 or 6 home ones, a couple star destroyers, around 10 MC80s, and the list goes on. I then have the planets where any fleet can come into my territory guarded with a few capital ships as well, so nothing can get in.. except nothing ever tries to. I killed the Lusankya easily in one battle after finding it by itself over one of my systems after it destroyed the lone light shipyard that was above it. Did the same with Thrawn when he was by himself over Kampe, killed Brandei when he was with 1 other star destroyer, etc. etc. When the Empire rarely attacked me, it was Dorja in a single star destroyer attacking Iphign over and over, he'd destroy the shipyard then leave. I've breached the core in my campaign, now bordering the Pentastar Alignment for a while, been bordering the Maldrood for a long time as well, and nothing...

I'm assuming they're all killing eachother and that's why I'm able to annihilate everything I run into? I saw Coruscant changing hands over and over for a while til' the Alignment finally took it, but I'm just surprised that on Admiral NO ONE has anything to fight me with anymore.

As for my 'cheaty' tactic, I'm wondering if it's too op: I usually send a single corvette in to scout the map, discover everything on it, then I jump in all my home ones and star destroyers right onto their fleet or behind it if theres room. Once that happens the imperials get overwhelmed in a matter of a couple minutes, and the battle ends in a complete and total victory, 0 losses on my part. The only real reason I had issues at Ylesia was because i started my game without placing a ship to hyperspace into battle before the others, so everything just jumped in at once.

Anyway, info or advice or whatever would be appreciated! - Also, I set the space pop cap to 120 for every faction if that would cause any serious issues

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Emperor's Revenge suggestion
« on: July 23, 2018, 07:56:37 PM »
Couldn't this be used as a ship for Carnor Jax to use anyway?

Star Wars Discussion / Re: Revan's Revenge
« on: April 03, 2018, 12:39:34 AM »
Definitely April Fools, at least for now. It'll be a long wait for anything to form, sorry man - least I think, could be wrong.

Discussion, Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Pentastar Alignment OP?
« on: March 27, 2018, 10:36:05 PM »
I'm assuming you're playing 2.15 right? Steam Workshop version? Because I can tell you the Pentastar Alignment changes quite a bit with the new update. It keeps Gregor Raquan or whatever his name is, but it makes it a bit harder for the PA to start off so nicely.

Ascendancy Discussion / Re: PentaStar Carrier
« on: March 27, 2018, 09:43:59 PM »
I forget if it's in Ascendancy or not but isn't the Secutor the big carrier for the PA?

Discussion, Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Minor factions
« on: March 27, 2018, 06:02:23 PM »
I'm pretty sure an assortment of minor factions will come into the Clone Wars era mod overtime, especially with stuff like Outbound Flight and other earlier conflicts featured in the times before the Empire (20-40bby era) Should be really fun!

Star Wars Discussion / Re: Mas Amedda and other Imperial big guys?
« on: March 20, 2018, 02:18:05 AM »
I feel like Mas Amedda would have been doing shit from 4 aby and beyond or would have been killed unless he ran to byss right away.

Star Wars Discussion / Mas Amedda and other Imperial big guys?
« on: March 19, 2018, 01:10:58 AM »
Where did Mas Amedda and a lot of the other significant advisors go once the Emperor croaked? We got Sate Pestage of course but wouldn't of Mas Amedda been involved as well, along with other friends of the empire? Just curious.

Star Wars Discussion / Re: ICW Tabletop Game
« on: March 16, 2018, 01:06:39 PM »
Ive always wanted to get into the table top games after seeing them being played at Celebration.

The Lounge / Re: customized Venator
« on: March 11, 2018, 12:59:16 AM »
I would have liked a crimson command ISD 2 to lead the crimson command fleet personally, but that's about it.

Is there still time to send in submissions? I've been busy AF and only have time tonight to send stuff in.

Meaning I have time in the future but my stuff would be coming in last minute.

Going to send my stuff in tomorrow! :)

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