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Messages - Devon_v

Pages: [1]
Welcome to the Boards / Re: Post 1
« on: January 21, 2018, 06:09:50 PM »
And the forums are back, yay!

It's not that I want to post random stuff, it's that the initial testing is being limited to >=25 posts, so I have no access at all, regardless of what I post, unless I accumulate that many posts. I'd love to just join in the discussions, but there...aren't any. I presume most of the day-to-day stuff is happening in Discord or in the YouTube comments on Corey's channel, because the only live threads here seem to be discussions about whether Battlefront 2 is a crappy game or the crappiest game. I don't own it, so I have no perspective. Maybe this is just a lull where the demo has been discussed to death and everyone's just waiting for 2.2b to go live, but it leaves me grasping at straws for any sort of interaction.

At the same time I feel that a desire for early access is the only reason to do unpaid testing. Unless one has an interest in the subject, why spend time dealing with bugs in an incomplete product? I've always viewed it as a trade; I want to play with something, the developers want to know what works and what doesn't. I don't do a lot of testing, because frankly it turns fun time into work more often than not, but I guess I'm feeling...protective of the EU? Like I've been so disappointed by everything Star Wars of late that I just want this to be good.

The Lounge / Re: Personal Flagship Name?
« on: January 20, 2018, 09:34:34 PM »
My flagships tend to be designated Shadowstar.

Forum Games / Re: Last Person to Post Wins
« on: January 20, 2018, 09:30:20 PM »
Oooh, free post! A winner is me.

While it seems like you've already made up your mind and decided how this will work.. I think it might be interesting to (instead of it being a Bothan) being the same Probe Droid, but simply named/titled "Captured Reprogrammed Probe Droid". Or some variation there-of.
Just a suggestion for an alternative is all, I completely get that you'd want to go with whatever you have already established as the future unit for NR Intel gathering.

Bothans are kinda a staple of New Republic espionage though. After Endor they made sure everyone knew who secured that victory (never mind Palpatine leaked the info himself) and parlayed it into positions within the new government. Fey'lya ended up chief of state over the whole thing basically and made sure to promote Bothan interests.

Welcome to the Boards / Post 1
« on: January 14, 2018, 12:26:03 AM »
Corey said I have to say twelve things or I can't test ICW, so this would be thing one:

I like Star Wars. I also like video games. I like video games about Star Wars also. I think I've played all the good ones.

My favorite craft aesthetically is the TIE/IN, but if I had to fly in combat, I'd use my missile boat. I don't care what Palpatine said, I'm keeping mine. It's very balanced.

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